Miguel is a native of Colombia and fluent in both English and Spanish.  His primary focus is on gathering and analyzing client information and preparing bankruptcy schedules and other legal documents. Miguel’s education and background in tracking and analyzing financial transactions is key to his ability to analyze our clients’ financial situations. Miguel is also instrumental in working with the firm’s managing attorney on financial and administrative matters.


Miguel graduated from El Bosque University in Bogota with a business degree, focusing primarily on data analytics, finance, and process improvement. While pursuing his degree, Miguel worked with several large companies performing statistical analysis and managing and analyzing bank account transactions. After graduation, Miguel worked with an international logistics company, tracking accounts receivable and performing various reconciliations. Miguel decided to join Keck Legal to challenge himself professionally and use his skill set for the benefit of the firm and its clients.


Education :

  •  UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE.  Industrial Engineering, 2022.
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